Release Notes

Design System Updates for 2022 November

Date: 2022-11-15 14:05:00

New Releases

Horizon theme: we'll be rolling out a brand new look and feel for Emarsys at the end of November, based on SAP's new Horizon theme. This fresh look will introduce updated visual styles for our components. You can preview the theme on staging and demo environments, or look at the various components and page layouts example pages here on this documentation site!

Dialog improvements: we've added a bunch of improvements to our Dialog component, big and small: fully customizable header and footer, support for keyboard accessibility, the ability to add cover image, and a more elegant way to handle multiple dialogs on top of each other.


  • Label: added “highlight” variant, replacing the deprecated "primary" terminology.
  • Rule Builder: the summary now can display any property, not just the value.
  • Select and Multiselect: added “content” API for getting value of a list item in a human readable format.


  • Label: the close button now has a hover state.
  • Multiselect: the "selection tokens" now use the Label component's style.


  • Navigation Sidebar: removed unnecessary group headers for sub-menu items.
  • Shell Bar: fixed visual glitch that interfered with the Notification component's shadow.
  • Switch component: fixed issue where getting the “checked” status didn’t return the correct value.

Design System Updates for 2022 October

Date: 2022-10-06 10:25:00


  • Color Library: added CSS utility classes for all color tokens, such as .text-color-primary.
  • Tab Bar: added spacing attribute to define the padding around the content area. Default is none (no padding), but there's also cozy (normal padding).
  • Dialog: you can now add extra content to Dialog footers, such as extra buttons.


  • Action List: fixed issue in Action List where deleting item from a group didn’t work properly.

Design System Updates for 2022 September

Date: 2022-09-12 11:30:00


  • Date-Time Picker: added option to reset the time value when the user selects a new date.
  • Dialog: a "Back" button can be displayed in the Dialog title bar, similarly to the page title bar.
  • Dialog: the Dialog now supports keyboard accessibility guidelines.


  • Step Bar: the "Previous Step" and "Next Step" buttons are disabled when no step is set as selected.
  • Our purify utility will allow links to open in new windows with target=_blank", e.g. links to documentation. The related XSS vulnerability is handled appropriately.


  • Chart: fixed issue where items with the value "0" did not display in tootlips.

Design System Updates for 2022 August

Date: 2022-08-04 11:50:00

New Releases

Datagrid: we've added a lot of usability features to our Datagrid component, including user-adjustable columns sizes, support for horizontal scrolling with a floating item action panel, loading state for item actions, button groups and dropdowns for the bulk action bar, and the ability to enable bulk action mode with a button.


  • Step Bar: added next step and previous step buttons.
  • Tab Bar: tabs can have tooltips now.
  • Date-Time Picker: added error change event.


  • Rule Builder: fixed issue where value getter didn't work as expected.
  • Date-Time Picker: fixed issue where error state was unexpectedly removed after changing selection.
  • Action List: fixed issue where page scrolled to top after selection.
  • Tab Bar: removed the ability to focus on disabled tabs.


  • Toggle Button CSS component is deprecated, the Button component can be used with a toggle function if necessary.

Design System Updates for 2022 July

Date: 2022-07-11 12:10:00

New Releases

Accordion: our new Accordion web component is the modernized version of our old Accordion CSS component. It supports accessibility standards and received some minor design touch-ups.

Step Bar: our new Step Bar is the new web component version of our old Steps CSS component. It supports accessibility standards and comes with some new features, like the ability to display icons.


  • Tab Bar: the Tab Bar component can be used for both horizontal and vertical tabs, replacing the old Vertical Tab CSS component.
  • Select: the Select component can be opened even when there are no options to list, displaying an empty state message.
  • Popup utility: onFocusForward and onFocusBackward are used in the tab chain to make interactions accessible.


  • Input components, like Text Input and Number Input, now share a common background color.


  • Input Group: fixed border style bug.
  • Date-Time Picker: fixed performance issue in presets.
  • Datagrid: invalid values are now handled properly in datagrid-column-numeric.


  • The old Steps CSS component has been replaced by the new Step Bar web component.
  • The old Vertical Tab CSS component has been replaced by the Tab Bar web component.
  • The old Accordion CSS component has been replaced by the Accordion web component.

Design System Updates for 2022 June

Date: 2022-06-14 11:15:00

New Releases

Tab Bar: we turned our old Tab component into a web component called the Tab Bar, supporting accessibility features and attributes that make it easy to modify the content of tabs — like adding icons.

Password Input: we're introducing a new input component, the Password Input. It comes with a built-in show/hide text feature, which helps usability.


  • Messages in the Field component now have semantic colors: error, warning, success.
  • Labels in the Field component can now have an "optional" suffix.


  • Faint text color has been changed from gray-400 to gray-500 to increase contrast, improving accessibility.
  • Inline links are now underlined, adhering to web standards and improving accessibility.


  • The Checkbox, Radio, and Switch web components can be used on their own.

Icon Library Updates

  • Added e-empty , e-conversation , e-checkbox- family, and e-radio- family.

Guideline Updates

  • Updated UI Text Guidelines, added UI Text Vocabulary.


  • The old CSS Tab component is being replaced by the new Tab Bar.

Design System Updates for 2022 May

Date: 2022-05-19 13:05:00

New Releases

Confetti: the shiny new Confetti component can shoot a blast of confetti when triggered, which can be used in success states for a more delightful user experience. Check it out in action! 🎉


  • Fixed margin issues when the Steps component was used in an iframe.
  • Fixed some spacing issues in the Datagrid component.
  • The Progress component now can be used in flex.


  • The Datagrid component now has an autofocus attribute.
  • The File Upload component now can be used in full width with the full-width modifier.

Design System Updates for 2022 April

Date: 2022-04-12 12:10:00

Roadmap Update

In the past few weeks the Design System team has been busy planning out some major updates for both the foundations of our UI Framework and some complex components. We've updated our public roadmap accordingly, so you can see what's in store for the next few quarters!


  • The Emarsys frame now can be implemented without the Shell Bar (.e-layout-without_shellbar), or without the Navigation Menu (.e-layout-without_menu).

Design System Updates for 2022 March

Date: 2022-03-09 14:00:00


  • Dialog handler is now keyboard accessible.
  • Dropdown component is now keyboard accessible.
  • Device Display: focusing into component now can be disabled with the focus-disabled attribute.


  • Dialog handler: fixed issue of dialog could be opened even when it was disabled.
  • Datagrid: fixed issues in priority mode.
  • Layout: fixed issue of unnecessary horizontal scrollbar appearing.
  • Vertical Tabs: fixed issue of tab label overflow.
  • Popup utility: fixed issue of panel opening only vertically even when there's no vertical space available.

Design System Updates for 2022 February

Date: 2022-02-08 15:05:00


  • Accessibility: Token Input, Steps, Back Button, Inplace Editor, and Card component now support keyboard navigation.
  • Datagrid: the page size selector in the Datagrid footer now can be hidden with page-size-hidden.
  • Datagrid: the selectedItems getter-setter was added to the API.
  • Rule Builder: number of rules now can have an upper limited.
  • Rule Builder: custom summary rule number can be used as placeholder.
  • Rule Builder: custom relations can be added, overwriting the default AND and OR relations.


  • Datagrid: hide-pagination attribute was renamed to pagination-hidden to follow our naming conventions.
  • The back button next to the page title has an href attribute to make it accessible.


  • Datagrid: fixed issue where the sort column icon was displayed twice.
  • Dropdown: fixed issue with counter.
  • Multiselect: fixed issue with search event.
  • Fixed issue where displaying any icon resulted in showing the cog icon.

Design System Updates for 2022 January

Date: 2022-01-21 10:40:00

New Releases

Rule Builder: We're kicking off the new year with a powerful new component: the Rule Builder!

The new Rule Builder is the successor of our Criteria component. Similarly to the Criteria component, the Rule Builder provides an UI for creating a complex set of rules. This can be used in products like Segmentation, where a set of rules determine a group of contacts.
The Rule Builder comes with useful new features, such as sub groups, better error and event handling, and a vastly expanded API so product teams can customize the behavior of this component. And of course: it supports keyboard navigation!

We're really looking forward to seeing what our product teams will do with these new features!


  • With the brand new Rule Builder component released, we're also deprecating the old Criteria component. Deprecating a component means we're still supporting existing implementations, but we won't add new features and will advise against implementing it in new projects.


  • Accessibility features for multiple components have been enabled by default, without the need of a UI flipper.

Design System Updates for 2021 December

Date: 2021-12-14 00:00:00

New Releases

Keyboard Support: here comes a pretty huge accessibility milestone: we've added keyboard navigation features to all our Design System components, so it's easier than ever to turn Emarsys into a fully keyboard-accessible application. Sorry mice, we don't need you anymore! 🐁

Icon Library Updates

  • New icons: e-copy, e-paste, e-cut, e-duplicate, e-celebrate, e-light, e-dark.

Guideline Updates


  • We're deprecating our e-iframe container. Use our e-layout solution instead. New integrations will automatically use the recommended solution.

Design System Updates for 2021 November

Date: 2021-11-08 14:20:00

New Releases

Fiori Theme: After nearly 2 years, we've updated the look and feel of the Emarsys UI Framework. This fresh coat of paint was applied to match the style of the SAP Fiori Design System, including a new color palette, a new typeface, and a few changes to the base layout — such as the introduction of the Shell Bar. We had been busy working on this update for months, so we're really excited to release this hot new look to all our customers!


  • The entire Field component now can have an error state, instead of the labels and inputs separately.
  • The Suggest Input component has been enhanced with performance improvements, with an error state, and Action List was implemented for its list.
  • The performance of the Datagrid component has been improved.


  • Buttons in the Page Title are now vertically aligned to the middle instead of the top.
  • Icons in inputs have been changed to a uniform color token instead of black.


  • Removed unintended horizontal scrollbar from popup panels.
  • Native select performance fixes.
  • Fixed an issue with the Multiselect component where reloading the items of an open list broke the component.

Design System Updates for 2021 October

Date: 2021-10-14 17:00:00


  • The items in the Action List component can work as action buttons, instead of selectable options.
  • In the Datagrid priority mode, pressing the escape key exits the mode.


  • When a Datagrid has an id, the page-size attribute will store the value for that specific Datagrid. For Datagrids without an id, the number of rows shown in a page will be a global setting for the user.
  • We improved the performance of the Select component by implementing render debouncing.


  • window.e.variables is being deprecated. We have a migration document to help product teams move to different solutions.

Design System Updates for 2021 September

Date: 2021-09-10 11:05:00


  • New date formats are supported by the Time utility.
  • Popup Panel component now has a no-padding variant.


  • Fixed issues with error event handling in the range variant of e-datetime.
  • Fixed an issue in the Select component where the opened state didn't update its content properly asynchronously.
  • Normalized the usage of color variables in components.
  • Fixed icon style bug in e-notice legacy component.

Beside these fixes above, the Design System Team spent the past few weeks improving the security and code quality of the UI Framework. Lots of under the hood fixes!

Design System Updates for 2021 August

Date: 2021-08-04 10:05:00

New Releases

Web Component-ification: we've created Web Component variants for some of our commonly used CSS components: Switch, Radio Button, and Checkbox. These Web Components will help product teams with implementation, as there's less room for error with the markup than with the old CSS components — and they'll be way easier to update in the future! The original CSS components still work (in fact, that's what these new Web Components use as foundation), but we strongly recommend only using the Web Component variants from now on.


  • Multiselect component now has an "open" event.
  • Dropdown component now opens a list that supports keyboard navigation.
  • Input Group now can have postfixes.



  • Datagrid rendering speed is vastly improved.
  • Fixed icon style-bug in the e-alert legacy component.
  • Datetime does not reformat invalid dates anymore.
  • Datetime picker now uses the user’s preferred date formatting.

Design System Updates for 2021 July

Date: 2021-07-06 15:20:00

New Releases

Popup Panel component: building on top of our recently released Popup Utility, the piping hot Popup Panel makes it fairly effortless to create your own custom popup panels — so you can insert your very own layouts for drop-down menus and such!


  • The option selected in our Select component can be cleared, returning it to an empty state — similarly to how it works in Multiselect. Use the "clear-visible" attribute to enable this feature.
  • The Multiselect filter in Datagrid now can be used on cells that contain arrays.
  • The Chart Columns can now use colors from our Color Library.


  • The Icon component got a new "default" value for its "size" attribute. Use this when you want to use the default size for the icon (typically 24x24 pixels), so parent elements cannot accidentally resize it.


  • Date-Time Picker now uses the date format set by the user in My Profile.
  • The icon in the Notification component is now displayed in the correct size.
  • The Select component now can have a loading state even when the option list is empty.
  • Fixed Link Button style bug for its :active state.
  • Criteria component doesn’t break anymore when it receives an invalid JSON, instead it falls back to an empty object.

Icon Library Updates

  • Added new AC icons: ac-event-false, ac-event-true, ac-message-false, ac-message-true, ac-testing
  • Added new generic icons: e-tag, e-tag-remove, e-move-reorder

Guideline Updates

The New Emarsys Design System Website

Date: 2021-06-14 13:20:00

Excellent news, everyone! We're rolling out a brand new version of the Emarsys Design System website, which is the foundation for turning our Design System into something truly world-class.

In the past, updating the Design System website was somewhat cumbersome: creating, editing, and organizing content required the assistance of Design System developers, as the documentation lived inside the UI Framework's codebase. This made it difficult for other developers and designers to contribute to the Design System.

With the new Design System website, we've detached the documentation from the codebase, and put a lightweight and flexible CMS under it. This makes adding, editing, and organizing content a breeze for anyone who wants to contribute.
The CMS also comes with a lot of bells and whistles, which will help us implementing exciting new features in the future — and let me tell you, we are full of ideas!

With this initial release, we were aiming to cover all the existing functions and use cases of our old Design System website, and adding a few CMS-based features.

Here are some of the new features:

  1. The admin panel makes adding, editing, and organizing content easier — but you can still edit the documentation on the code level, if you want to.

  1. The search now has the ability to search for anything in the Design System — including guidelines, icons, and even release notes.

  1. A new Health Check page shows the development status of all the components and guidelines.

  1. The code examples are opened in the new and improved Design System Playground.

…and this is just the beginning, we're planning to enhance this new website with useful new features, such as the ability to cross-link documentation chunks, new content blocks in guidelines, and making content available only for authenticated Emarsys employees.

Outdated versions of the UI Framework documentation will remain available on their version-specific URLs. The last version to receive the old documentation was 14.880.0. Also, if you feel like taking a walk down memory lane, check out our Design System Museum for some nostalgia fuel.

If you have any feedback or questions, please get in touch with the Design System team via Slack!

Design System Updates for 2021 June

Date: 2021-06-01 14:30:00

New Releases

Suggest Input component: our brand new Suggest Input component is an enhanced version of our text input. It displays suggestions from a list as the user types — similarly how search engines across the internet auto-complete your sentences. This component is really useful when we want to help the user enter a value that already exists in a list, but also want to give them the ability to use a new value that doesn't exist in that list.

Popup utility: the Popup utility helps in the creation of custom popover panels. Before this, only certain components had the ability to display popover panels, but now it's a lot easier to give this functionality to UI elements.


  • Notification components with the type attribute can be implemented in an alternative style, which looks better on light-gray backgrounds than the regular Notifications.
  • Notification components now can remember their closed state even if they were closed through methods other than the close button.



  • Fixed hover state style-bug in the borderless variant of our Button component.

Icon Library Updates

  • Updated existing icons: e-error, e-commenting, e-logic-and, e-logic-or, e-times-circle, e-underline, ac-action-sms, ac-sms
  • Added new icons: e-accessibility, e-edit-cut, ac-settings-immediate, ac-select-branch, ac-select-multiple, ac-settings-anytime, ac-settings-indefinite, ac-settings-once, ac-settings-repeat

Guideline Updates

Design System Updates for 2021 April

Date: 2021-04-21 08:55:00


  • e-widget now can be implemented without shadow.
  • Improved error message handling for e-datetime component.
  • The emoji picker has been updated with new emojis.
  • In destructive dialogs, the destructive button can now be disabled.
  • e-datagrid action icons can now open a new tab.


  • Unified the look of e-multiselect and e-select.
  • Icon usage in “error state” and “warning state” are now consistent across components.
  • Improved copywriting in e-datetime error state.
  • Unified hover and select style in e-multiselect, e-select, and e-dropdown.
  • The "close button" in e-dialog now use the e-button component, instead of an e-icon.
  • Added border around tabbed page layout to make it consistent with other layouts.
  • “Danger” state has been renamed to “error” state to distance it from “warning” state.


  • Fixed button labels and caret position in Editor toolbar.
  • Fixed header in form layout.

Icon updates

  • We’ve replaced most of our “fill-style” icons with “outline-style” icons for a consistent visual look.
  • Added e-logo-sap, ac-doi, ac-contacts-delete, and e-error icons.
  • Updated warning, exclamation, exclamation-circle icons.
  • Fixed color problems with some icons.


  • Old date formatter has been deprecated. Pages that use the deprecated date formatter will get a warning in the console. Use new “date utils” instead.
  • We’ve officially removed the old 2015 design from the current code. It's been a long journey!