Device Display API

API Reference e-device

HTML Attributes API

Name Description Type Required Default value
width Sets the width of the device (keeps aspect ratio) number
height Sets the height of the device (keeps aspect ratio) number
type Sets the type of the device (iphone and computer for now) string
focus-disabled Disallows keyboard focusing on any element within the device boolean false

API Reference e-device-content


Name Description Type Required Default value
type Sets the type of the content (message list of lockscreen for now) string
from-name Sets from name field, single line string
subject Sets subject field string
preheader Sets preheader field string

API Reference e-device-push


Name Description Type Required Default value
type Sets the type of the push: lockscreen, alert, noc string "lockscreen"
device Sets the device of the push: ios-phone-default, android-phone-default string "ios-phone-default"
icon Sets push icon image url as string
app-title Sets push app name string
headline Sets push headline string
subtitle Sets push subtitle string
content Sets push content string
expanded Sets expanded state for push boolean false