Updates for 2018 November

Breaking Change

  • The e-datagrid select filter now returns a value without the "option-" prefix.

New Features

  • New icons for various Email Campaign types: e-email-block-based, e-email-custom-html, and e-email-template-based.
  • e-dialog now has an "opened" property.
  • e-validator now has an "opened" property, and now dispatches an event on open and on close.
  • e-select now has a loading state.
  • e-actionlist now has a loading state.
  • Added documentation for config-service.
  • Added documentation for authentication token service.
  • Added a new help color, to be used for tooltip icons.
  • Datagrid filters now have a "custom" attribute. When enabled, you can override the default logic of the filter with your own custom logic.


  • .e-label-outline labels are not in uppercase anymore.
  • Checkbox filters in datagrid can contain tooltips.
  • e-actionlist has two empty states: one for no data, one for no search results.

Bug Fixes

  • e-datepicker does not dispatch an event when disabled.
  • Datagrid filters are laid out in multiple rows if they can't fit in a single row.