Design System Updates for 2024 August

New Releases

Ellipsis: the Ellipsis component truncates text by number of rows and appends an ellipsis at the end.


  • Datagrid: new "List" column type.
  • Validator: added support for buttons.
  • Separator: added faint variant.
  • Duration: max-precision attribute can define the largest unit to display (e.g. minutes).


  • Duration: support for screen readers.
  • Duration: changed UI text, made localization easier.
  • Time Picker: support for screen readers.
  • Accordion: support for screen readers.
  • Truncate: support for screen readers.
  • Select: support for screen readers.
  • Multi Select: support for screen readers.
  • Disabled state in components: cursor changes to not-allowed.


  • Dialog: fixed focus when Dialog is opened from iframe.


  • Deprecated unused color tokens (e.g. gray-850).
  • Deprecated legacy component "Info Layer".